TAPSS Community Care (Inc), trading as SHINE Community Services is governed by a voluntary Board. TAPSS is incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act (1987). Board members uphold the Constitution and Code of Conduct. The Board oversees policies and monitors the financial performance, and are responsible for the risk management and strategic directions of the organisation.
The elected Board of Management for 2016/2017 for TAPSS Community Care (Inc) consists of:
Chairperson: Mr Andrew Cuthbertson
Honourable Secretary: Mrs Rachel Thomas
Treasurer: Mr David Prestney
Ordinary Members: Ms Natasha Wainwright, Ms Diana Salvaris, Ms Tricia Murray, Ms Joanne Olsen, Mr Mark Davies
Council Representative Members:
Cr Karen Wood (Claremont)
Cr Rob Thomas (Cottesloe)
Cr Rachel Thomas (Peppermint Grove)