Wellness Approach

The purpose of the HACC program is to enhance the independence of the frail aged, younger person with a disability and their carers. The aim of the program is to support people to be more independent at home and in the community thereby enhancing their quality of life. The Wellness Approach assists clients to accommodate their functional disability by learning or re-learning the sills necessary for daily living.

Assessments and the review process have a greater emphasis on linking clients to community based resources if appropriate rather than fully relying on HACC services. 

SHINE Community Services incorporates the following Wellness Key factors which actively support our clients’ independence:

  • Allow clients to remain independent in their own living spaces
  • Encourage clients to retain or improve skill sets
  • Build skill sets or redevelop “lost” skills
  • Avoid services that would enable the client’s own abilities or limit independence

SHINE Community Centre incorporates the following Wellness Key factors which actively support client independence:

  • Assess what each client needs to maintain independence
  • Identify client abilities, strengths, and interests
  • Utilize assessments to facilitate goals and support plans
  • Maximize each client’s potential for improved health and function

SHINE Community Services staff actively encourage clients by:

  • Focus on collaborative assistance (“doing with” vs. “doing for”)
  • Allow clients to utilize present skills
  • Promote skill building or reteach lost skills
  • Suggest techniques/strategies for overcoming difficult tasks
  • Limit support to only what is necessary
  • Connecting and reconnecting clients to social networks in the community