We are now using new technology and the numbers that display when we call you have had to change.
If you are calling us 9383 2663 does still work but our main numbers are now:
9253 5555 (Reception)
9253 5544 (Social Club)
Welcome to the New Year – we have lots in stall for you!
SHINE Community Services will be better than ever in 2016. We encourage you to read our Activity Programs and Newsletters, which are uploaded to this website and come along to our outings and activities.
Please make sure to book where we ask you to.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.
Christine Hastie, Manager
Starting Thursday 14th January Esther Lane, a qualified personal trainer, will be running a functional training class. These exercises will help to increase strength and stability to keep you active and able. An initial physical / medical assessment will be conducted for all clients prior to beginning this class. It is therefore essential to register your attendance by Tuesday 12th January.